"Inside MOT" On-line Meetings Series

Join the staff of the Maine Office of Tourism plus other special guests for MOT’s monthly online meeting series as we work together to navigate the path of sustainable travel and tourism in Maine.

These half-hour meetings will cover topics to help you benefit from existing Office of Tourism programs, introduce new programs, and share other travel and tourism related subjects and collaboration opportunities.

Each meeting in the series will give an update on a specific topic followed by  Q&A.

Sign up for upcoming meetings for the opportunity to learn and have your questions answered in real time, or watch the recorded webinars at your convenience, and feel free to share!

Next meeting –

  • Episode 9 – August 22, 2024, Thursday, 11:30am-12noon: Join us for an update on MOT’s Tourism Marketing and Management Grants program with Senior Tourism Officer Chiara Moriconi. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Previous meeting topics –

Eclipse Event Impact Analysis

  • Episode 6 – May 2024: Maine’s Visitor Information Centers update with Hannah Collins, Deputy Director, Maine Office of Tourism  and guest Tony Cameron, CEO, Maine Tourism Association.  WATCH RECORDING.
  • Episode 5 – April 2024: Maine Office of Tourism’s  Winter 2024 Consumer Travel Shows update with an overview of trends, what we learned and what we heard from attendees by MOT staffer Christine Rosen. WATCH RECORDING.
  • Episode 4 – March 2024: Maine’s Outdoor Recreation Economy Roadmap with guests Carolann Ouellette, director of the Maine Office of Outdoor Recreation, and Jenny Kordick, executive director of Maine Outdoor Brands. WATCH RECORDING
  • Episode 3 – February 2024: Maine Sports Commission with guest Sheila Brennan Nee, Strategic Director. WATCH RECORDING
  • Episode 2 – January 2024: MOT’s PR Program with guests Charlene Williams and Whitney Raymond of Marshall Communications. WATCH RECORDING
  • Episode 1 – December 2023: International Marketing with MOT staff Chiara Moriconi. WATCH RECORDING