Websites & Digital Assets
The MOT Websites and Digital Assets program oversees marketing websites, an informational website, digital photography and videos. Assets from this collection are used extensively by MOT as it markets Maine as a tourism destination.
MOT marketing websites include VisitMaine.com, the State’s official Tourism marketing site. The website is produced and overseen jointly by Miles Partnership, MOT’s advertising and web contractor, and MOT staff. It receives millions of viewers each year.
MOT Partners, the site you are now reading, offers important information and resources about MOT and tourism in Maine to the tourism industry and the public. The site explains MOT’s primary programs and services and provides insights about the tourism industry in the state. MOT Partners is overseen by MOT.
MOT oversees a collection of digital photograph in an on-line library and an off-line archive. These images are used by MOT’s advertising, web and PR projects. MOT preserves these images and works with its advertising and PR contractors to update and expand its photographic collection. In addition, MOT also keeps and uses a selection of videos for use on-line and with its PR and advertising projects.