Group Tour & Motorcoach / Meetings & Conferences
Promoting the state as a travel destination within the Group Tour & Motorcoach and Meetings and Conferences industries and for providing technical assistance to Maine suppliers working or interested in working with travel trade.
Efforts include:
- Maintaining and building working relationships specific to Domestic and Canadian motorcoach tours by attending industry specific trade shows and working collaboratively with and supporting the efforts of the Maine Motorcoach Network.
- Working collaboratively with Maine organizations to support outreach to domestic meeting planners and coordination within the tourism industry for a collective approach to increase Maine’s share of the meetings, conferences and events market.
Tips and Useful Links for Maine Businesses
- Being group-ready can mean a lot of things. Please take a moment to look over these guidelines to see if your business is ready to welcome groups. Still not sure? Contact Chiara to set up a call or a site visit.
- Hosting a successful group visit can be easy if you follow these tips.
- Become a member of the Maine Motorcoach Network
- If you’d like to directly promote your business to group tour operators, please contact Chiara for opportunities to attend trade shows together.
Useful Links for Tour Operators
Maine Group Profile Sheet 2025
Contact Chiara at:
Phone: (207) 624-9809
Email: [email protected]