Photo credit: John Meader
Dear Community Partner,
As we prepare for the highly anticipated solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, we want to ensure that Maine communities are prepared to celebrate and safely experience this rare event. To assist you in effectively communicating with residents and potential visitors, we have created this toolkit. Please feel free to customize the materials to suit the needs of your community.
Toolkit Contents:
- Front-Line Staff Info Template: Click here to download an information one-sheet.
- Information for staff to use in respond to visitor inquiries about the eclipse in Maine.
- Share information about the eclipse, safe viewing tips, and add local updates.
- Press Release Template: Click here to download press release template.
- An announcement for local media outlets and community newsletters.
- Highlight the significance of the eclipse, safety tips, and local events.
- Social Media Posts: Click here to download suggested social media posts.
- Engaging posts to share on Facebook, X, Instagram, etc.
- Include safety reminders and event promotions.
- Safety Guidelines: Click here to download safety guidelines.
- Information on safe eclipse viewing practices.
We have populated a specific Solar Eclipse page of our website. If you would like us to link to your eclipse page or other information you have prepared for this event, please send the link to [email protected].
The Maine Office of Tourism